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Participation at AGRINEX 2012


ASBINDO has participated in the national agricultural exhibition, Agribusiness in Expo (Agrinex) held on 30 March to 1 April 2012 at the Jakarta Convention Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia. The exhibition was attended by 400 exhibitors from 178 institutions. Stand ASBINDO laid on Pre Fuction Hall “Bumi Hortikultura” next to the Directorate General of Horticulture, and other horticultural companies. Next to variety information about ASBINDO, membership benefits, and ASBINDO Training Centre, ASBINDO also held Business Matchmaking by providing Matchmaking board.

ASBINDO Stand  Director General Horticulture

On the first day of the exhibition, ASBINDO organized media gathering and distributing news releases by title: Global Warming Berkah bagi Industri Florikultura to inform the floriculture business opportunities as the result of awareness of green living as the effects of global warming. Media gathering that was attended by 15 journalists from various media also provided with the information about anti pollutant plant. The results of these activities can be found on the Press in ASBINDO website.

Press Conference  Press Conference

On the second day ASBINDO held a talk show about anti pollutant plants, followed by about 50 Agrinex visitors consist of students and the general public. In this event, ASBINDO introduced plants that can absorb pollutants and toxins such as Aglaonema, Dracaena, Spathiphyllum, Sansevieria, Chrysanthemum, Philodendron, Palm, and Gerbera. In addition, outdoor plants that can absorb CO2, among others, Samanea saman, Cassia sp, Fellicium decipiens, and so forth. Participants can answer the question received a door prize a plant from ASBINDO.

Talkshow  Explaining to the visitors

In general, visitors are very enthusiastic and interested in the activities and services at ASBINDO stand. Business matchmaking board used properly. At the end of the event, 119 people sign up for a newsletter ASBINDO and 13 companies / individuals interested in filling business matchmaking board. Some visitors also expressed interested in becoming a ASBINDO member.

Visitors  Visitors