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Events and Trade Fairs

Below you find a list of national and international Floriculture events. By clicking on the headings of the columns you can sort the information. Although we will do our utmost to keep the information up to date, not all events will be included as some events are only published shortly before they will actually take place. Do you want us to add your event to our list? Click here to send us your request per email.
Date Title Venue City Type
11.01.2022 - 11.01.2022 Sekapur Sirih Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta National
13.01.2022 - 13.01.2022 Rapat Pengurus Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta National
24.01.2022 - 24.01.2022 Teknologi Kultur Jaringan untuk Bisnis Tanaman Hias Berkelanjutan Bogor Bogor National
24.01.2022 - 24.01.2022 Modus Penipuan Transaksi Tanaman Hias Kebun Malang Malang National
24.01.2022 - 24.01.2022 Tren Tanaman Hias 2022 Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta National
24.01.2022 - 24.01.2022 Silver Carnation Award 2021 bagi Duta Ornamental Horticulture Indonesia Gedung Palazzo Biscari Italia International
23.03.2022 - 23.03.2022 Edukasi Online ASBINDO x Prestisa Florist Online - National
19.05.2022 - 19.05.2022 Edukasi Online ASBINDO x Prestisa Florist Online - National
08.06.2022 - 08.06.2022 Kunjungan Kebun Grees Nursery Bogor Bogor National
23.06.2022 - 23.06.2022 Ngobrol Seputar Florist Online - National
24.06.2022 - 24.06.2022 Mengenal Royal Flora Holland Oleh-oleh dari Training & Business Visit to Benelux Pasar Lelang Bunga dan Tanaman Hias Belanda International
25.07.2022 - 25.07.2022 Reopening Showroom Ekakarya Kemang Showroom Ekakarya Jakarta National
04.08.2022 - 04.08.2022 Diskusi Regulasi Usaha Florikultura Zoom Meeting - National
08.08.2022 - 08.08.2022 Tomohon International Flower Festival 2022 Kota Tomohon Tomohon International
19.08.2022 - 21.08.2022 Lewi's Collective Market 2022 Lewi's Organic Cafe Banten National

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