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Creating Vertical Garden at Home


Vertical Garden IndonesiaVertical garden is one of alternative for those who want to enjoy (read: plant) plants as one of Green Lifestyle action, but constrained by limited space or land for planting. Vertical garden or a green wall was already widely known in Indonesia. The concept of this garden was discovered in 1994 by French botanist currently developed with a variety of innovations to facilitate anyone who wants to have a vertical garden, either for office or home living.

Vertical Garden Media

Nowadays some of the media are readily available and easily obtained and inexpensive can be found in Indonesia. Some of them are: modular system such system of carpet (textiles or geotextiles), or a vertical garden module (VGM). Level of difficulties and the price of making a vertical garden depends on the media is. VGM prices are still quite expensive, so other kinds of media are to deal with the high cost of making a vertical garden.

Growing media for this park also vary, some of coco peat, fibers. The usage of soil is rare in making vertical garden because basically as long as plant get enough nutrient requirements, the plant used for the vertical garden can still grow well.

Types of Plants Are Used

Types of plants used for a variety of vertical gardens. However, there are several criteria, among others:

  • Plant’s weight should not too heavy.
  • Plant’s growth is low to medium
  • Avoid using vines in vertical garden

Here are some plants that meet the above requirements:

  • Anthurium crystalinum, the type commonly used for the vertical garden is a type of small leaves
  • Platycerium bifurcatum
  • Lili paris (Chlorophytum comosum), Lili paris resistant to direct sunlight and grows optimally in a shaded place.
  • Cryptanthus, perfect combination with the Bromeliaceae.
  • Kucai. Its flowers of pale purple, star-shaped flowers with six petals wide.
  • Neoregelia, often called the bromeliads. Though bromeliads is the family name of many plant, the type often used for vertical gardens among other types of Neoregelia Polus olens with red tipped leaves flat, and Neoregelia carolinae with leaves striped pattern.
  • Lipstick (Aeschynantus Radicans), kidney-shaped leaves of this plant.
  • Kadaka (Asplenium sp), there are many different types of plants kadaka, you can choose the length and the leaves are not too large.
  • Sirih Merah
  • Singonium, this plant has heart-shaped leaves are green and white. This plant is easy to grow


Treatment for vertical garden is easy if irrigation has been installed properly on the media framework. Irrigation that often used is drip irrigation or using sprayer. Fertilization can be done once in 7-10 days and for plant pest and disease control can be done by providing pesticides in growing media before planting crops. The needs of sunlight for vertical garden is depends on the type of crops planted.

Easy way to make and care makes you able to create green space as oxygen provider around you.