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Plant Variety List


There are so many different products available in the floriculture sector; it is difficult to keep up. We have compiled a list with more than 700 commercial floriculture products, some more popular than others. You can also download the update plant variety list that we've compailed. We realize this list is not complete at the moment and we will do our utmost to add varieties during time. 

Do you have any additions? Share them with your fellow members. Click here to send you information. Together we can create the most accurate and up to date list. In the promotion section of this site you will find more information on the most important commercial floriculture products, including information on suppliers.

Download File
Download this file (Daftar Tanaman Florikultura.xls)Daftar Tanaman Florikultura Januari 2013[Plant Variety List January 2013]130 Kb870 Downloads
Download this file (KEPMENTAN 141 Tahun 2019 (1).pdf)KEPMENTAN 141 Tahun 2019 (1).pdf[ ]2120 Kb925 Downloads
Download this file (Kepmen_511_2006_Komoditi_Binaan.pdf)Kepmen_511_2006_Komoditi_Binaan.pdf[ ]67 Kb724 Downloads