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Commemoration Independent Day’s Decoration at Presidential Palace


ASBINDO has been honored to do the decoration at the Presidential Palace on Indonesian Independent Day’s Commemoration. This time ASBINDO had the opportunity to become a decorator reception room. Commanded by Ineke Turangan, Touch of Sumatra have been decided as the theme of decoration, and ASBINDO try to use local materials that match to the theme.

State Palace Decoration ASBINDO Ineke Turangan ASBINDO State Palace Decoration ASBINDO

Local materials that used are youg coconut leaf (janur) made by uletan techniques then being dried and given a touch of golden color. In addition, flowers such as Heliconia hanging shades of red, James Story orchids, orange roses, chrysanthemums red also used for decoration. The use of coconut midrib also adds the ethnic touch.

Team Decoration ASBINDO Indonesian MAP

The uniqueness that be a differences from last year is a map of Indonesia that made from a potted plant. Map of Indonesia shows that Indonesia have a lot of beautiful flora that should be maintained and conserved.