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Potted Plants





Catasetum is an epiphytic orchid (a plant that lives by riding on other plants). This type of orchid is found in the Americas with the highest number of species found in Brazil.

Adaptation The growth of this plant in Indonesia is very easy and tends to like planting media with good porosity (aeration) so as to produce very good root growth. Planting media such as fern board, Pine Bark (pine bark) , hydroton, Spagnum moss are usually used in planting this type of orchid.

Care Tips

Catasetum does not like the condition of the growing media with high humidity so that the best position for planting is affixed.

Where to Buy

Ida Ujang Nursery (082298625133)


Coelogyne pandurata


Coelogyne pandurata

Coelogyne pandurataDescription

This plant is a species of orchid that native Borneo. Based on Indonesian Government Regulation no. 7 of 1999 this species is included into the protected plant. Black orchids are epiphyt orchids. The spread of this plant genus is on Borneo and Sumatra, the habitat of life in old trees near the river in the primary forest (high relative humidity). This plant can be propagated by vegetative and generative.The color of flowers are pale green and has black tongue. This plant will bloom 4-5 times a month with a long blooming flowers ± 7 days


How to care

Watering orchids can be done twice a day (morning and afternoon) when the plants are young, then pretty watered once a day. This plant fertilizer twice a month. Coelogyne pandurata needs 

Where to Buy

Melrimba Sentra agrotama (021 7545102, 7545067)





MandevillaMandevilla is an evergreen, semi-climber with deep green eliptical leaves and red flowers with overlapping petals, blooming from spring until late summer. This plant is a genus of plants belonging to the family Apocynaceae, the Dogbane family. It consists of about 100 species, mostly tropical and subtropical flowering vines.

Mandevilla is native to Central and South America and many Mandevillas come originally from the Serra dos Órgãos forests in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The flowers come in a variety of colours, including white, pink, yellow, and red. As climbers, Mandevillas can be trained against a wall or trellis to provide a leafy green and often flowering picture of beauty.

Care Tips

Mandevillas develop spectacular flowers in warm climates. This plant prefers warm water that does not have a high acid content. Feed the plant once annually, in the spring. Prune the Dipladenia during and at the end of the growing season. At the end of the season, plant the clipped shoots in pots and wrap the pots in plastic at the bottom.

Where to Buy

Benara Nurseries (0264) 351030-34


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