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Roof Garden


Roof Garden IndonesiaLarge cities are getting more and more polluteded. In an attempt to reduce this pollution cities around the world are trying to become more green. Indonesia also recently declared several cities as Green City. A program will be developed to create more green open spaces as lungs on the city. Becoming more green is also seen as very important for the health of its inhabitants.   

Roof Garden IndonesiaA relating floriculture trend that has been developed in big cities the last two decades is the roof garden. Garden roofs have several functions; they reduce air pollution and noise, they lower air temperature and they can help to conservate water. Besides they can be contribute to the beauty of the building and can add to the biodiversity of a large city (Green Rooftops, 2008; Holladay, 2006).

Types of plants used on roof gardens are grasses, shrubs, and several ornamental plants. The gardens also offer leisure areas for the inhabitants of cities. The development of rooftop gardens in Indonesia have not been so rapid, but more and more roofgardens are being installed. For example the public roofgarden on Plaza Indonesia.