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Millennial Flower Arrangement


Based on the results of the 2020 Population census, Number of Millennials (1980 - 1995) reached 69.9 million people or 25.87% of the total Indonesian population (data source: BPS Census 2020 residents). The present generation (Millennial) has character creative with a variety of ideas, ideas that are out of the box, have self-confidence and courage express opinions, dare to express opinions on social media. (source : Publication Journal Intra Vol 7, No.2, 2019). The last few years many of Generations Millennials who are interested in and channel their hobbies new to the world of Floriculture, starting as an Activator Ornamental Plants, Trader of Floricultural products even Florists (flower arrangers), make the more lively the Flori industry with the presence of Millennials who rely on it technology in socializing and communicating online (social media).

Famous Floral Designer Winny Hernawaty, teacher and owner of the Merangkai School BLESSED WINAR and WINNY FLORIST flowers - Bandung, told ANews at the time interviewed, "Millennial Generation on generally prefer virtual learning through social media, for example via Youtube, while for learning to assemble, they are tend to like styles that are trending this time. They are not easy to study with with basic patterns, such as round shapes, triangles, vertical in flower arrangement that should be mastered as a Florist. " They want immediately able to assemble a hand bouqet without want to learn design elements, design elements, theory color and design principles, continued Winny, Lecturer The bagged flower arrangement senior a myriad of international experiences from various overseas.