The Green City Development has become a major concern for the government and the citizen in Indonesia. The focus of the development of green cities by the Ministry of Public Works for the initial phase is the green open space, green planning and design, and green community. To achieve a green city that can give benefits for the residents needed the guidelines, therefore the Ministry of Public Works in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) organized Public Lecture "Growing Greener Cities" with Niek Roozen (Green city Expert from Netherlands).
In his lecture, Niek explained that the main objective of green city is to increase the feasibility live in the environment and provide benefits for the residents. In relation to the green open spaces that being developed, Niek delivered several ways to increase green space: city park, city forests, vertical garden, and a rooftop garden. City parks and urban forests should be integrated with urban design and planning and easily accessible.
Documenting native plants green city development sites should be done, it is related to the effective green space is to use plants that match to the green city locations and varied types. Niek told that responsibilty to grow the green city is on government, businesses, communities, and plant producers hand. Other than that designing and planning a green city, needs cooperation and collaboration between urban planners, architects, landscape architects, transportation experts, the government and plant manufacturers.
The event was also attended by academicians, entrepreneurs, as well as associations and organizations who have responsibility for the development of green cities like Asosiasi Bunga Indonesia (ASBINDO), Ikatan Arsitektur Lansekap Indonesia (IALI), Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI), Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan (IAP), and Sustainable Urban Development Forum Indonesia (SUD-FI).