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Sustainable Floriculture Business


Indonesia is one of the countries with greatest biodiversity in the world. Around 89,326 spore plant species included ferns and 19,232 plant species flowering (Spermatophyta) grows in this region (KPPN / Bappenas, 2016),

Indonesia's geographic position which lies in between two continents and two oceans, with islands large and small stretching from the Oriental region, Wallacea, to Australia, make Indonesia has diversity biological and at the same time very endemicity high (Widyatmoko, 2014; Widyatmoko, 2017a; Widyatmoko, 2017b).

Potential wealth from diversity of resources genetics (SDG) if you can't put to good use and managed on the end will not provide benefits as well welfare for the community.

The emergence of new habits for activities at homes during times of pandemic prompting increased gardening activities and increase sales of ornamental plants.

Increased trade in ornamental plants is not only domestically, but also abroad (export) Based on data from the Center Protection of Plant Varieties and Licensing Agriculture (PVTPP Center) in the webinar “Wisdom in Exporting Ornamental Plants, he was informed that in 2020 there will be an increase in exports ornamental plants amounted to 294% indicated by issuance of a permit for releasing seeds Horticulture (SIP) in 2020 as many 8,540 SIP compared to 2019 as many 2,166 SIP.

In the export of ornamental plants it is necessary to pay attention regulations (procedures) applied from the Center PVTPP and the Directorate of Seeds, Directorate General Horticulture - Ministry of Agriculture, which emphasizes orderly administration (there are new form from the Directorate of Seedlings enacted in March 2021), transformation of individual exporters to entities law and plants (must be) cultivated. The Directorate of Seeding that carries out the verification against the type of product to be exported.

The existence of social media makes it even more rampant sales of tropical ornamental plants. Sales are not only for cultivated crops but there are allegedly taken directly from Forest. Therefore it is necessary to watch out for taking plants directly into the forest, the existence of our national SDG, must remain protected and not extinct. Synergy and collaboration between government agencies, researchers, business actors and society need more improved and carried out continuously. Education about SDG preservation and the importance of cultivating traded plants needs to be continuously carried out, so that production as well plant sales can go on (ongoing).

Build a profitable, advanced business and continuous is the desired goal all floriculture business actors. Not only technical aspects in the production process (cultivation plant) which is determined by reliability human resources and technology use, marketing aspects, business management efficient and supportive regulations business sector will determine its success a floriculture business that is advanced, independent as well competitive.