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Young Work


Young Entrepreneurship is the most discussed topic among professionals and the general public. Being a millennial farmer should be able to provide many benefits for the environment. Such as opening job vacancies and even providing foreign exchange for the country. As a millennial farmer, you must prepare yourself by continuing to learn for the future. Modern information and communication technology provides a number of information from various fields, which are shaped by different views, attitudes, and interests and highly demand the ability to be environmentally oriented. Everything that has been learned will be very supportive for the development of the business that is being worked on.

CV. Ranata Nursery houses several people as a group of millennial farmers who are engaged in the export of ornamental plants and one of the owners was chosen as the Millennial Farmer Ambassador by the Ministry of Agriculture.

CV. Ranata Nursery has been exporting for six years and started an export business for cactus and succulent commodities. A lot of valuable experience is gained in managing employees, business practices and networking with consumers in other parts of the world. This experience becomes the capital to run a leaf ornamental plant business (Araceae) such as: Alocasia, Agalonema, Anthurium, Homalomena, Philodendron, Rhaphidopora, Syngonium etc.

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