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Environmentally Friendly Approach to Sustainable Agriculture (Series 3)


Floriculture like other plants, the quality and quantity of the product is determined by the formation of biomass which is absorbed from the growing media where it grows. The main challenge in the availability of nutrients is strongly influenced by the intake of nutrients in the form of fertilizers and environmental factors that affect their availability (eg soil pH, temperature, etc. And secondly is the obstacle to their absorption due to disruption of the root system by OPT (Plant Destruction Organisms) in the growing media. The two factors above interact and influence each other.

In this discussion, we focus more on the second factor from the description above. Coupled with the improvement of the biological status with the introduction and inoculation of beneficial micro-organisms. Similar to various methods that are organic and environmentally friendly, this method of work and the results of this treatment will not be very beneficial in the long term.


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