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Plant Breeding and Clonal Propagation to Support Sustainability of the Phalaenopsis Orchid Industry


Orchid (Orchidaceae) is one of the largest family of flowering plants. Joppa et al (2010) estimate the Orchidaceae family has about 31,000 species. According to Govaerts et al (2017), about 29,199 orchid species have been registered. Orchids have main benefits as potted plants for flowering and cut flowers, but various types of orchids are also used for medicinal, cosmetic and even food (edible orchids).

Indonesia is one of the centers for the distribution of various species of orchids. It is estimated that about 5,000 species of orchids spread in the territory of Indonesia. The public's interest in orchids is also very large so that Indonesia has a large local market potential for orchids, which encourages the growth of orchid agribusiness.


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