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Edible Flowers


If you have seen a beautiful flower of various colors in a plate, it is an Edible Flower, a flower that can be eaten safely. The use of edible flowers in the culinary world has long been practiced. In Indonesia, edible flowers have only become a trend in 2017, flowers are usually used to mix salads, infused water, pudding decorations, cakes, cookies. etc. In addition to adding aesthetic value to the dish, edible flowers can also provide a different additional taste, also contain several antioxidant substances, which can help increase endurance.

Terms of interest for Edible fower is not to use pesticides, plants can be cultivated organically or normally. There are some Edible flower business people who grow their own flowers, sell the flowers, as well as processed products. Edible flowers are sold in the form of a mixture of several kinds of flowers in one container, so that buyers can get various kinds of flowers, there are many online sales for edible flowers.

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