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Floriculture Business Transformation Through Competency Certification


Employee competency is one of the important factors that drives progress business in today's global era. In a fast-changing and fraught business environment competition, competence not only ensures that employees can carry out their tasks effectively, but also provide a basis for innovation and adaptation to new market trends. Competent employees are able to improve productivity, work quality and customer satisfaction, while helping the company in responding to challenges and taking advantage of opportunities more quickly and efficient. Therefore, investment in employee competency development becomes strategic aspects that are crucial for business growth and sustainability.

ASBINDO as the Association that accommodates the floriculture industry in Indonesia provides attention and commitment in human development in the field of floriculture. ASBINDO provides various competency-based training programs and collaborates with BNSP licensed LSP for floriculture to carry out competency certification Work. Apart from that, ASBINDO will also take a role in the development of the Place Competency Test (TUK) to support the implementation of competency assessments in Indonesia. This TUK was developed by involving ASBINDO members throughout Indonesia thus forming a national TUK Floriculture network.
