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Floriculture Product Presentation Training


Floriculture Product Presentation Training

ASBINDO conducted training on Floriculture Product Presentation which aims the participants be able to present their products in shops, showrooms, attracting many people to visit and eventually purchase the product. The event was held on November 8, 2011 in Jakarta Design Centre showing Ansjeliek Coolbergen as a trainer and Rosana harahap and Andy Djati Utomo, S. Sn, AIFD, CFD as a companion.

 Ansjeliek and Andy Djati - ASBINDO Training  Discussion ASBINDO Training

The participants that came from various backgrounds such as florists, decorators, growers, hotels and shopping centers follows the training with great enthusiasm. Trainers provide new insights on how to attract visitors and then buy the products displayed in shops, showrooms, or other locations.

Concept to attract the attention of visitors is called AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Product Presentation should also reflect the character and image of their respective owners. It aims to form a sign which indicate the existence of a store / showroom / producers of certain goods.

Team Work   Participant ASBINDO Training

Participants are also taught to be able to play colors, combinations, and placement into beautiful unique selling point and makes it easier for prospective buyers can see, choose, and end up buying items that were presented. Trainers also confirmed that the product presentation is different from the window display. Window display is only aimed at attracting visitors to see. While the end product presentation aims to sell a product.

At this training, the trainers are also invited participants to discuss anything that can support the eye catcher, the atmosphere, and composition of the product presentation. In addition, the participants were given the opportunity to create a product presentation with materials that have been provided. Creativity and teamwork of each group were determine the final outcome of the product presentation is made.

In the end the participants are given the opportunity to deliver the best achievement in product presentation and arrangement of the things you want repaired. Trainer stressed that in making a floriculture product presentation should consider constituent materials such as vases, fillers, supporting atmosphere, the clarity of the price of goods, and the ability of business owners to please visitors or buyers.

Product Presentation ASBINDO Product Presentation ASBINDO