Since the world experienced the Covid pandemic 2020, the demand for ornamental plants increased very drastically both from the domestic market as well as the export market. High demand ornamental plants push up the selling price to be 2-3 times as much on the domestic market, even for some types of plants variegata have a very fantastic selling price. Phenomenon like this is certainly a blessing for you ornamental plant entrepreneurs, including PT Monfori Nusantara. PT. Monfori Nusantara (Monfori) is companies engaged in culture plant tissue located in the district Bogor. The company was founded in 1996 by Monsanto Co., USA and company biotechnology based in Australia, Forbio Ltd. Tissue culture laboratory and nursery Monfori itself began operating since 1997 on an area of 2.98 ha with capacity production of 12 million plantlets per year. At the beginning, Monfori produced culture forestry plant networks such as teak, Eucalyptus and Acacia.
Over time, Monfori succeeded build a strong and own image high credibility as a seed supplier ornamental plant tissue culture for the market world floriculture. Export coverage country companies are increasingly expanding by type ornamental plants are increasingly diverse such as Aglaonema, Cordyline, Epipremnum, Piper, Philodendron and others. And in 2007, Monfori became a Tissue Culture company the first from Indonesia to get accreditation of tissue culture seed export facilities without agar media from the Australian quarantine (AQIS). Australia and America are the main markets of which 80% of production is exported to the country.
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