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Green Article

What are needs and the progress of Green City and the green movement in Indonesia? Regarding Green Services that initiated by ASBINDO, there are a lot of information that should be considered during developing Green City. ASBINDO is trying to give the best information and we would like to share them with you on this page.

If you have any opinion or article regarding green services don't hesitate to contact us.

Technical Hot Water Treatment (HWT) to Eliminate Nematodes On Ornamental Plants


Hot Water Treatment or Hot Water Immersion or Dipped Hot Water Treatment, hereinafter referred to as hot water treatment, is a physical plant quarantine treatment using hot water to increase the temperature of the commodity to a certain level to be maintained for a certain time which effectively results in death (mortality) at all stages.

Target pests. Preheating treatment bath: Preheating is done by activating the heat source so that the water temperature in the treatment bath can gradually increase. The water temperature is set 1 ° C higher than the treatment temperature level. • Putting commodities in the treatment bath: When the water temperature has exceeded 1 ° C from the desired treatment temperature level, the commodities that have been in the treatment container are put in the treatment bath. All commodities must be ensured that they are immersed in the hot water treatment bath and must not touch the walls or bottom of the treatment tub. Calculation of Temperature and Treatment Time (treatment Schedule): • Calculation of T0 starts when the thermocouple installed in the heating bath shows the desired treatment temperature level. • The expiration of the treatment time (TA) is the time that the treatment ends according to the desired time. • During the treatment time (from T0 to TA), the water temperature must be maintained constantly and should not experience a decrease. Hydrocooling: After the treatment is complete, the commodity must be immediately removed from the treatment bath to be placed in cold water. The purpose of cooling is to slowly reduce the temperature of the commodity until it is close to the normal temperature of the commodity before treatment.


Sekitar 915.000.000 hasil (0,33 detik) 



Hot Water Treatment or Hot Water Immersion or Dipped Hot Water Treatment, hereinafter referred to as hot water treatment, is a physical plant quarantine treatment using hot water to increase the temperature of the commodity to a certain level to be maintained for a certain time which effectively results in death (mortality) at all stages. Target pests. Preheating treatment bath: Preheating is done by activating the heat source so that the water temperature in the treatment bath can gradually increase. The water temperature is set 1 ° C higher than the treatment temperature level. • Putting commodities in the treatment bath: When the water temperature has exceeded 1 ° C from the desired treatment temperature level, the commodities that have been in the treatment container are put in the treatment bath. All commodities must be ensured that they are immersed in the hot water treatment bath and must not touch the walls or bottom of the treatment tub. Calculation of Temperature and Treatment Time (treatment Schedule): • Calculation of T0 starts when the thermocouple installed in the heating bath shows the desired treatment temperature level. • The expiration of the treatment time (TA) is the time that the treatment ends according to the desired time. • During the treatment time (from T0 to TA), the water temperature must be maintained constantly and should not experience a decrease. Hydrocooling: After the treatment is complete, the commodity must be immediately removed from the treatment bath to be placed in cold water. The purpose of cooling is to slowly reduce the temperature of the commodity until it is close to the normal temperature of the commodity before treatment.

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Sustainable Floriculture Business


Indonesia is one of the countries with greatest biodiversity in the world. Around 89,326 spore plant species included ferns and 19,232 plant species flowering (Spermatophyta) grows in this region (KPPN / Bappenas, 2016),

Indonesia's geographic position which lies in between two continents and two oceans, with islands large and small stretching from the Oriental region, Wallacea, to Australia, make Indonesia has diversity biological and at the same time very endemicity high (Widyatmoko, 2014; Widyatmoko, 2017a; Widyatmoko, 2017b).

Potential wealth from diversity of resources genetics (SDG) if you can't put to good use and managed on the end will not provide benefits as well welfare for the community.

The emergence of new habits for activities at homes during times of pandemic prompting increased gardening activities and increase sales of ornamental plants.

Increased trade in ornamental plants is not only domestically, but also abroad (export) Based on data from the Center Protection of Plant Varieties and Licensing Agriculture (PVTPP Center) in the webinar “Wisdom in Exporting Ornamental Plants, he was informed that in 2020 there will be an increase in exports ornamental plants amounted to 294% indicated by issuance of a permit for releasing seeds Horticulture (SIP) in 2020 as many 8,540 SIP compared to 2019 as many 2,166 SIP.

In the export of ornamental plants it is necessary to pay attention regulations (procedures) applied from the Center PVTPP and the Directorate of Seeds, Directorate General Horticulture - Ministry of Agriculture, which emphasizes orderly administration (there are new form from the Directorate of Seedlings enacted in March 2021), transformation of individual exporters to entities law and plants (must be) cultivated. The Directorate of Seeding that carries out the verification against the type of product to be exported.

The existence of social media makes it even more rampant sales of tropical ornamental plants. Sales are not only for cultivated crops but there are allegedly taken directly from Forest. Therefore it is necessary to watch out for taking plants directly into the forest, the existence of our national SDG, must remain protected and not extinct. Synergy and collaboration between government agencies, researchers, business actors and society need more improved and carried out continuously. Education about SDG preservation and the importance of cultivating traded plants needs to be continuously carried out, so that production as well plant sales can go on (ongoing).

Build a profitable, advanced business and continuous is the desired goal all floriculture business actors. Not only technical aspects in the production process (cultivation plant) which is determined by reliability human resources and technology use, marketing aspects, business management efficient and supportive regulations business sector will determine its success a floriculture business that is advanced, independent as well competitive.

Succulent From The World of Lembang


Succulents are plants with leaves and trunk which has a network to store water. Succulents are found in many steppe areas, semi-desert and desert, but succulent can afford adapt to tropical climates like Indonesia. Apart from types, colors and shapes diverse, succulents are in great demand ornamental plant lover because of its care not that difficult. During this pandemic the sale of crops increasing sharply is no exception with succulents. Increased demand for succulents in the country during the pandemic jumped by up to 500% and for overseas market demand is soaring up to 100%. The type that is in great demand by the market domestic are Echeveria, Ceropegia, Haworthia, Agave and Sansevieria. While for foreign markets is a type of echeveria mutation and Sansevieria. Palace of Cactus Flower, started export at 2015 with the aim of the Asian market primarily Korea, Thailand and China. As time went on the Cactus Flower Palace expand the market to various directions the world both Middle Eastern countries, America and Europe. Until now, more than 30 countries as the export destination.

Lembang farmers are very grateful for the plants mutation succulent from Lembang City very in demand by foreign markets, which until recently it has been successfully exporting to America, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, South Korea, Philippines, Japan and Singapore. Since 2017 The Palace of the Cactus Flower embraces the few young exporters who are incorporated in an community namely Paguyuban Sukulen Lembang.


Ornamental Plants Resulting from Tissue Culture


Since the world experienced the Covid pandemic 2020, the demand for ornamental plants increased very drastically both from the domestic market as well as the export market. High demand ornamental plants push up the selling price to be 2-3 times as much on the domestic market, even for some types of plants variegata have a very fantastic selling price. Phenomenon like this is certainly a blessing for you ornamental plant entrepreneurs, including PT Monfori Nusantara. PT. Monfori Nusantara (Monfori) is companies engaged in culture plant tissue located in the district Bogor. The company was founded in 1996 by Monsanto Co., USA and company biotechnology based in Australia, Forbio Ltd. Tissue culture laboratory and nursery Monfori itself began operating since 1997 on an area of ​​2.98 ha with capacity production of 12 million plantlets per year. At the beginning, Monfori produced culture forestry plant networks such as teak, Eucalyptus and Acacia.

Over time, Monfori succeeded build a strong and own image high credibility as a seed supplier ornamental plant tissue culture for the market world floriculture. Export coverage country companies are increasingly expanding by type ornamental plants are increasingly diverse such as Aglaonema, Cordyline, Epipremnum, Piper, Philodendron and others. And in 2007, Monfori became a Tissue Culture company the first from Indonesia to get accreditation of tissue culture seed export facilities without agar media from the Australian quarantine (AQIS). Australia and America are the main markets of which 80% of production is exported to the country.


Sekitar 846.000.000 hasil (0,29 detik) 



Since the world experienced the Covid pandemic for 19 years 2020 ago, the demand for ornamental plants increased very drastically both from the domestic market as well as the export market. High demand ornamental plants push up the selling price to be 2-3 times as much on the domestic market, even for some types of plants variegata have a very fantastic selling price. Phenomenon like this is certainly a blessing for you ornamental plant entrepreneurs, including PT Monfori Nusantara. PT. Monfori Nusantara (Monfori) is companies engaged in culture plant tissue located in the district Bogor. The company was founded in 1996 by Monsanto Co., USA and company biotechnology based in Australia, Forbio Ltd. Tissue culture laboratory and nursery Monfori itself began operating since 1997 on an area of ​​2.98 ha with capacity production of 12 million plantlets per year. At the beginning, Monfori produced culture forestry plant networks such as teak, Eucalyptus and Acacia.

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