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Green Article

What are needs and the progress of Green City and the green movement in Indonesia? Regarding Green Services that initiated by ASBINDO, there are a lot of information that should be considered during developing Green City. ASBINDO is trying to give the best information and we would like to share them with you on this page.

If you have any opinion or article regarding green services don't hesitate to contact us.

Patogen Tanaman di Dalam Air untuk Irigasi


Walaupun kebutuhan air untuk kegiatan produksi tanaman adalah hal yang mutlak, namun penggunaan air irigasi ini juga membawa issue kesehatan tanaman yang sangat signifikan. Patogen tanaman yang berasal dari berbagai sumber air, diketahui dapat mengandung 17 species Phytophtora, 26 species Phytium, 27 genera fungi, 8 species bakteri, 10 virus dan 13 species nematoda parasit. Tentu saja spektrum keberadaan patogen maupun densitasnya sangat bervariasi tergantung banyak hal.

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Indonesian Floriculture Mother (In memory of Mrs. Suhardani Bustanil Arifin)


Raden Ayu Hj. Suhardani bint Suwignjo, or better known as Ms. Suhardani Bustanil Arifin, is the wife of the late Mr. Bustanil Arifin (Minister of Cooperatives and Head of Bulog during the era of President Soeharto), who is known as a pioneer in the development of the national floriculture business. He passed away to Rahmatullah on Monday, February 21, 2022 at the age of 93 and was buried the next day at the Heroes Cemetery (TMP) Kalibata, Jakarta. He who received the award and service of the Mahaputra Utama Star, Guerrilla Star, Independence War 1 and 2 Satyalencana, Military Operations Movement Satyalencana and Enforcement Officers was brought by hundreds of mourners to his final resting place at Kalibata TMP.

Mrs. Suhardani is a community leader who plays an active role in the development of flower businesses in Indonesia. He has many awards and achievements in national and international flower events. Ibu Suhardani is the founder of the Bunga Nusantara Foundation (25 January 1985), the founder of PT Alam Indah Bunga Nusantara (15 November 1989), the founder of the Indonesian Flower Association or ASBINDO (11 June 1990) and the founder of Taman Bunga Nusantara (10 September 1995). At ASBINDO, he was the former Chairman of ASBINDO for 3 (three) terms from 1990 to 1999 and Advisor to ASBINDO until the end of his life.


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Environmentally Friendly Approach to Sustainable Agriculture (Series 3)


Floriculture like other plants, the quality and quantity of the product is determined by the formation of biomass which is absorbed from the growing media where it grows. The main challenge in the availability of nutrients is strongly influenced by the intake of nutrients in the form of fertilizers and environmental factors that affect their availability (eg soil pH, temperature, etc. And secondly is the obstacle to their absorption due to disruption of the root system by OPT (Plant Destruction Organisms) in the growing media. The two factors above interact and influence each other.

In this discussion, we focus more on the second factor from the description above. Coupled with the improvement of the biological status with the introduction and inoculation of beneficial micro-organisms. Similar to various methods that are organic and environmentally friendly, this method of work and the results of this treatment will not be very beneficial in the long term.


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From Batu City, Malang Spread to Foreign Countries


Indonesia, which has a tropical climate, is known as a country rich in flora resources. Indonesia has thousands of beautiful and exotic ornamental plant varieties that are in great demand by other countries.

Over time, ornamental plants are not just a hobby, but can also be a very promising business. The ornamental plant business is developing not only to meet domestic demand, but also foreign markets. Many Indonesian ornamental plants are in great demand by foreign consumers.

Starting from a hobby and love of ornamental plants, in 2017 CV Botani Flora Indonesia was formed to start a business in the field of ornamental plants. Ornamental plants are one of the commodities that are widely cultivated in the city of Batu, Malang. Ornamental plant business starts from nursery, care and marketing. Marketing of ornamental plants, which was initially only limited to offline, began to be expanded with online marketing.

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